In schedules, you can create or edit «channels», which again contains «frames», and set them to a schedule which is then followed by any display set to said schedule.
The first page in «Schedules» is a list of channels. From here you can add or edit a channel, as well as edit the frames of a channel.
Create/edit channel
To add a channel press the green «Add New Channel» button.
To edit a channel, either press the name of the channel or press the «Edit» button in the action menu.
There are nine options to change, three for the channel and six for each frame, as well as add (+) and remove (-) frame:
Channel Options:
«Channel Title» – The name/title of the channel. Has to be a unique name.
«Width» – The width of the channel. Basically always 1920.
«Height» – The height of the channel. Basically always 1080.
Frame Options:
«Name» – The name of the frame. Has to be unique within the channel. One frame has to be called «Main».
«Aspect Ratio» – Decide whether the content that does not match the channel resolutions/dimensions (width and height) should be stretched or scaled on the screen. Stretched content will match the channel, while scaled content will be shown as big as possible while keeping its shape.
«Width» – The width of the frame. Usually the same as the channel, as long as it only contains one frame.
«Height» – The height of the frame. Usually the same as the channel, as long as it only contains one frame.
«Left» – How far in from the left the frame is set in the channel. Usually 0, as long as it only contains one frame.
«Top» – How far down from the top the frame is set in the channel. Usually 0, as long as it only contains one frame.
Frames are where the content is positioned inside the channel.
It is most common to use only one frame with the same dimensions as the channel. It is also possible to make a channel with multiple frames, however, this is rare.
Edit frame
To edit a frame press the name of the frame under «Frames» in the channel you wish to edit.
To add a frame you need to edit the channel.
When editing a frame you set a schedule in which the frame will play.
To add a new schedule click and drag inside the calendar for the duration you want the schedule to be.
To edit a schedule press «Edit» on the right side of the frame you wish to edit.
There are nine options when creating or editing schedules for frames:
«Schedule Title» – The title of the schedule. Must be unique within the frame.
«From» – Date it should start playing.
«To» – Date it should end playing. Leave this empty if you do not wish to set an end date for the schedule.
«Color» – Background color of the schedule on the calendar, to more easily separate different schedules.
«Playlist» – Decide which playlist should be played.
«Weekdays» – Set which days the schedule should run.
«Hour from» – Set at which time the schedule should start playing each day.
«Hour to» – Set at which time the schedule should stop playing each day.
«Repeat» – Set whether the schedule should repeat or not. The most common variant is «Weekly», which runs the same schedule every week.