The new forecast uses coordinates to fetch the weather instead of using the URL for YR. At this point we have not yet implemented a method of fetching the coordinates, so this has to be done manually for now.
- Go to Google Maps.
- Search for your location.
- Right click at the point you want the forecast from and select the first choice with the coordinates. This copies the coordinates to your clipboard.
- Paste the coordinates in the first field in iQ named «Coordinates«
If you for any reason want to type the coordinates yourself, make sure it has two numbers containing a dot «.» separated by a comma «,» (not the other way around).
Example: 59.90807, 10.73680
- The second field is the name of the place where the forecast is from. Type the name of the town/city/place here (ex.: Oslo)
- The third field is what language you want the forecast to be in. Select your preferred language.
- Click «Ok«
Note that in this version the background image you have selected in the message will not be used on the screens, as the screen uses a background fitting the current weather instead.