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  4. Content
  5. Messages


Messages are the visual elements of the system, as they are what’s being shown on the displays. The messages are based on templates, which dictates what type of content is present in them.

To manage messages, go to Content -> Messages, or press the Messages icon on the home page.
To create a new message, press New Message.
To edit an existing message, press the name/title of the message, or press the edit button under Action for the message you want to edit.

Edit message

When editing a message, there are a few pointers to follow. Firstly, the message needs a title that is unique, to separate it from other messages. Secondly, it needs content. Content is added through the «Edit» button on each of the placeholders.

Type: Text

«Edit» opens a rich text editor, unless it has «Lock down style» enabled, then it opens a basic text editor.

Type: Image

«Edit» opens a media selector, where you can choose which image to attach. Image also has the «Move» button, which opens the preview window where you can move the placeholder around if the chosen image does not quite fit with the placeholder position.

Type: Video

«Edit» opens a media selector, where you can choose which video to attach.

Type: Forecast

«Edit» opens a popup box where you enter the URL for a location from yr.no, only with «/varsel.xml» added after. Example: » http://www.yr.no/sted/Norge/Oslo/Oslo/Oslo/varsel.xml «. [NOTE: The URL must start with «http://» and not «https://» to work.]

Type: Counter

«Edit» opens up a date picker, where you can choose a date to count up from or count down to.

Type: TimeAndDate

Does not have any options, as it places the current time and date on the message.